About Me

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I'm 18 years old, I'm a second quarter freshman in college. My major is chemistry, with a specialization in military science. I am a bit out there when it comes to being the down to earth type, usually I can keep my head and not go off into my own world, but most of the times I can't help it. My mind runs on about twenty different train tracks and I try to follow them all which gives me my crazy up in the clouds personality. I can be the sweet quiet one, until I get mad- then I'm the one you don't want to be around- but I usually keep my temper unless it is major. I'm a happy person in general and once I get comfortable I'll loosen up and be loud and laughing constantly.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why WSU?

There isn’t really a specific reason why I chose Wright State University. It’s close to home, so that was a plus; I was able to get enough grants and scholarships that I didn’t have to take out a giant loan. Wright State is a good school; I’ve been an affiliate since tenth grade because of my pre-college program. I already knew the campus, even though I commute now, I was accustomed to the atmosphere around the school and I wasn’t afraid of not seeing someone I know. Many people that I graduated with came to Wright State and I still see them. I am happy that I’m here, it kept me close to everything I know and I wasn’t thrown somewhere that I don’t know where the closest mall or Wal-Mart is. My home has been Dayton for my entire life; I’ve always known Wright State was a good option for me, whatever I decided to do. Even if I decide to change my major from chemistry to music education I’ll have the help I’ll need from the people and teachers. I won’t be stuck if I decide to change what I want to do; I’ll be able to stay in a good program even if it’s different.
My first pick wasn’t Wright State; it was more like my second. My top choice would have been University of Kentucky, for my major. Wright State still has an amazing science program and is a good school, but still being here makes it seem like I never really grew up that I’m still that kid I’ve always been.

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