About Me

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I'm 18 years old, I'm a second quarter freshman in college. My major is chemistry, with a specialization in military science. I am a bit out there when it comes to being the down to earth type, usually I can keep my head and not go off into my own world, but most of the times I can't help it. My mind runs on about twenty different train tracks and I try to follow them all which gives me my crazy up in the clouds personality. I can be the sweet quiet one, until I get mad- then I'm the one you don't want to be around- but I usually keep my temper unless it is major. I'm a happy person in general and once I get comfortable I'll loosen up and be loud and laughing constantly.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


If all the Tv sets where unplugged I think parents, not children, would be the ones to have difficulties. I do believe that children need to watch less TV and read books or play outside more but that’s not always how the parent sees it. If a child is watching TV, they hear the TV and know what the child is watching, and the child will sit there and watch. But, if there was no TV,  parents would have to find appropriate things for the children to read, they would have to be sure the child is outside being safe, not running in the streets or being picked up by a creeper in a jeep with candy.
Children need to be able to run around and to scream and shout and have fun. They should read more, but not to the point that they’re forcing themselves to read what they don’t’ want to when they don’t want to. But, they also need to have a time when they can just not think and wined down from a day out playing. TV, isn’t a horrible thing, it’s not the best either, and I’m pretty sure if you tried taking the TV out of a house hold the parents would still have the biggest problem with it. The kids would throw tantrums but they’d get over it and find something that gets them moving to do instead. The parents would have to do more work even if it’s just watching them play outside. So yes, if would be a good idea to unplug all the TV’s but it would be a horrible idea to leave them unplugged.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with your statement that children "should read more," because it forces them to use their own imaginations instead of being entertained by television, video games, wii's, computers, or whatever else they use to fill time.
